In a last-ditch effort to save their troubled marriage, Ben (Webb) and Linda Williams relocate the family to a dream home. Despite their best efforts, they can't shake the feeling that they are being watched. Their worst nightmare comes true when things inside the house take a supernatural and sinister turn. Ben and his family attempt to flee for their lives, but it is too late. The house isn't finished with them yet, trapping the family in its maze. To fight for their family, their lives, and to escape, the Williams must band together like never before.
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In a last-ditch effort to save their troubled marriage, Ben (Webb) and Linda Williams relocate the family to a dream home. Despite their best efforts, they can't shake the feeling that they are being watched. Their worst nightmare comes true when things inside the house take a supernatural and sinister turn. Ben and his family attempt to flee for their lives, but it is too late. The house isn't finished with them yet, trapping the family in its maze. To fight for their family, their lives, and to escape, the Williams must band together like never before.