In the year 1994, in a little town in the state of Colorado, three close friends are faced with the challenge of fending off a legion of mutating demons who have overrun their community. They must utilize every trick and strategy that their minds are capable of conjuring up. This cataclysmic catastrophe has been planned for generations by a cult that wants nothing less than the destruction of all of humanity. Their goal is to bring about the end of the world.
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In the year 1994, in a little town in the state of Colorado, three close friends are faced with the challenge of fending off a legion of mutating demons who have overrun their community. They must utilize every trick and strategy that their minds are capable of conjuring up. This cataclysmic catastrophe has been planned for generations by a cult that wants nothing less than the destruction of all of humanity. Their goal is to bring about the end of the world.