The much underappreciated animated feature picture from the creators of the iconic film "Charlotte's Web" is now available on DVD (and most notably Fred Flintstone, Yogi Bear, Scooby-Doo, and Tom and Jerry). A far cry from the confined animation that H-B Studios created for television, the feature-length animated film "Heidi's Song" contains lush, beautiful, and vibrant landscapes, a beloved classic plot, and fantastic melodies.
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The much underappreciated animated feature picture from the creators of the iconic film "Charlotte's Web" is now available on DVD (and most notably Fred Flintstone, Yogi Bear, Scooby-Doo, and Tom and Jerry). A far cry from the confined animation that H-B Studios created for television, the feature-length animated film "Heidi's Song" contains lush, beautiful, and vibrant landscapes, a beloved classic plot, and fantastic melodies.