A heartwarming drama that focuses on the relationship that develops between a group of senior high school students and Mr. Yabuki, one of their teachers. Students frequently seek Mr. Yabuki's counsel and direction in order to better prepare themselves for the challenges of growing up in today's world. However, when Mr. Yabuki's career is threatened as a consequence of a false charge from the school's PTA, the kids band together to defend their cherished teacher and assist him in preserving his good reputation and job. This helps Mr. Yabuki to save his job.
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A heartwarming drama that focuses on the relationship that develops between a group of senior high school students and Mr. Yabuki, one of their teachers. Students frequently seek Mr. Yabuki's counsel and direction in order to better prepare themselves for the challenges of growing up in today's world. However, when Mr. Yabuki's career is threatened as a consequence of a false charge from the school's PTA, the kids band together to defend their cherished teacher and assist him in preserving his good reputation and job. This helps Mr. Yabuki to save his job.