Kazuki Miyaichi, a teenage girl, has always felt unwanted by her mother as a result of the circumstances surrounding her birth. Because she is anxious and believes herself to be worthless in the eyes of others, she commits acts of juvenile delinquency. One day, Eri, a transfer student from Yokohama, introduces her to Hiroshi Haruyama, a reckless adolescent and member of the motorcycle gang "Nights." Kazuki grows increasingly attracted to Hiroshi over time, but he soon becomes the Nights' leader and becomes embroiled in a conflict with a rival gang.
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Kazuki Miyaichi, a teenage girl, has always felt unwanted by her mother as a result of the circumstances surrounding her birth. Because she is anxious and believes herself to be worthless in the eyes of others, she commits acts of juvenile delinquency. One day, Eri, a transfer student from Yokohama, introduces her to Hiroshi Haruyama, a reckless adolescent and member of the motorcycle gang "Nights." Kazuki grows increasingly attracted to Hiroshi over time, but he soon becomes the Nights' leader and becomes embroiled in a conflict with a rival gang.