In this sequel to the critically acclaimed animated film Ice Age, Diego, Manny, and Sid are all back. This time around, the severe cold has ended, and the ice that has covered the ground for so long has begun to melt, which will result in the destruction of the group's beloved valley. They are forced to get back together in order to inform the other beasts about the critical predicament they are in as the impending tragedy motivates them to do so.
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In this sequel to the critically acclaimed animated film Ice Age, Diego, Manny, and Sid are all back. This time around, the severe cold has ended, and the ice that has covered the ground for so long has begun to melt, which will result in the destruction of the group's beloved valley. They are forced to get back together in order to inform the other beasts about the critical predicament they are in as the impending tragedy motivates them to do so.