The Straw Hats travel to Mecha Island, where a fisherman performs an old folk song about a Golden Crown. They discover a hidden entrance to the island while searching for the enigmatic treasure. Ratchet, the island's leader, is impressed with the discovery and invites the crew to join him in his search for the Golden Crown, and the crew enters the cave with Ratchet and his henchmen. The island's true form is revealed to be that of a massive turtle. Ratchet, who knew all along, uses his mechanical castle to seize control of the turtle in order to use it to take over the world. The Straw Hats must now prevent both Ratchet and the helpless turtle from collapsing into a nearby island.
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The Straw Hats travel to Mecha Island, where a fisherman performs an old folk song about a Golden Crown. They discover a hidden entrance to the island while searching for the enigmatic treasure. Ratchet, the island's leader, is impressed with the discovery and invites the crew to join him in his search for the Golden Crown, and the crew enters the cave with Ratchet and his henchmen. The island's true form is revealed to be that of a massive turtle. Ratchet, who knew all along, uses his mechanical castle to seize control of the turtle in order to use it to take over the world. The Straw Hats must now prevent both Ratchet and the helpless turtle from collapsing into a nearby island.