Yoko Godai, the 18-year-old protagonist of the TV series Saki Asamiya, has given up her identity as a special agent and is now preparing for college admission examinations. Her life is turned upside down when she comes upon the runaway student of Sanko Academy on the island known as Hell's Castle named Kazuo Hagiwara, who is fleeing from an assassination attempt. To assist him stage a fascist coup d'état in Japan, a former revolutionary named Hattori is brainwashing pupils into terrorists at the school.
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Yoko Godai, the 18-year-old protagonist of the TV series Saki Asamiya, has given up her identity as a special agent and is now preparing for college admission examinations. Her life is turned upside down when she comes upon the runaway student of Sanko Academy on the island known as Hell's Castle named Kazuo Hagiwara, who is fleeing from an assassination attempt. To assist him stage a fascist coup d'état in Japan, a former revolutionary named Hattori is brainwashing pupils into terrorists at the school.