This genre-defying Italian documentary drama is directed by Pietro Marcello and follows a mustachioed ex-convict named Enzo as he returns to Genoa after serving a lengthy sentence in jail, only to discover that the city he once loved has almost completely transformed into a different place. But while he searches the coastal town for clues about his background, he finds refuge in the arms of Mary, his devoted lover and a transsexual who symbolizes the enigmatic appeal of Genoa itself. Mary is the only person who can help him piece together his past. Mary Monaco and Vincenzo Motta star.
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This genre-defying Italian documentary drama is directed by Pietro Marcello and follows a mustachioed ex-convict named Enzo as he returns to Genoa after serving a lengthy sentence in jail, only to discover that the city he once loved has almost completely transformed into a different place. But while he searches the coastal town for clues about his background, he finds refuge in the arms of Mary, his devoted lover and a transsexual who symbolizes the enigmatic appeal of Genoa itself. Mary is the only person who can help him piece together his past. Mary Monaco and Vincenzo Motta star.