The story of a beautiful Christian nun, Kyoko (Etsuko Shihomi), who is loved by two very different men-a happy-go-lucky yakuza mobster, Haruhiko (Koichi Iwaki), and a fumbling police detective, Kumashiro (Akira Emoto). The Tenryu Gumi are misfits and troublemakers with Christian convictions. Their opponents are the vicious and brutal "Kuroiwa Gumi," led by godfather Kuroiwa (Hideo Murota).
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The story of a beautiful Christian nun, Kyoko (Etsuko Shihomi), who is loved by two very different men-a happy-go-lucky yakuza mobster, Haruhiko (Koichi Iwaki), and a fumbling police detective, Kumashiro (Akira Emoto). The Tenryu Gumi are misfits and troublemakers with Christian convictions. Their opponents are the vicious and brutal "Kuroiwa Gumi," led by godfather Kuroiwa (Hideo Murota).