This Japanese animated film is a gloomy, adult-oriented thriller. A peace accord between Earth and the Black World, a parallel realm of spider-like aliens, will soon expire. Two police officers, Taki, a human male, and Maki, an extraterrestrial female, are tasked with guarding a diplomat who will assist secure another pact. A fanatical faction of aliens from the Black World intends to assassinate the envoy and thwart the treaty; only the relationship that grows between the two police officers can avert the annihilation of the Earth. Sex is heavily related with violence in a large number of graphic scenes; while this is supposed to serve a symbolic purpose, this theme is overused. The film's plot is compelling, but it is not suitable for children or those who are easily offended.
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This Japanese animated film is a gloomy, adult-oriented thriller. A peace accord between Earth and the Black World, a parallel realm of spider-like aliens, will soon expire. Two police officers, Taki, a human male, and Maki, an extraterrestrial female, are tasked with guarding a diplomat who will assist secure another pact. A fanatical faction of aliens from the Black World intends to assassinate the envoy and thwart the treaty; only the relationship that grows between the two police officers can avert the annihilation of the Earth. Sex is heavily related with violence in a large number of graphic scenes; while this is supposed to serve a symbolic purpose, this theme is overused. The film's plot is compelling, but it is not suitable for children or those who are easily offended.