Sora Kurumatani, a stout, weak, but fiercely dedicated student, enrolls in Kuzuryuu High School in the hopes of fulfilling his mother's ambition to win his first high school tournament. The basketball club, which has been converted into a delinquent hangout, however, does not play basketball! Momoharu Hanazono, a talented blocker who can perform power jumps but is terrible at shooting, and his twin brother Chiaki, a talented point guard, have both dropped out of the club. The youth's blazing passion for basketball is rekindled after just one game filled with adrenaline rush and excitement, as well as Sora's genuine love for the game.
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Sora Kurumatani, a stout, weak, but fiercely dedicated student, enrolls in Kuzuryuu High School in the hopes of fulfilling his mother's ambition to win his first high school tournament. The basketball club, which has been converted into a delinquent hangout, however, does not play basketball! Momoharu Hanazono, a talented blocker who can perform power jumps but is terrible at shooting, and his twin brother Chiaki, a talented point guard, have both dropped out of the club. The youth's blazing passion for basketball is rekindled after just one game filled with adrenaline rush and excitement, as well as Sora's genuine love for the game.