Cupid is an American comedy-drama show that ran from 1998 to1999. It was made by Rob Thomas, and Paula Marshall played Dr. Claire Allen, a psychologist in Chicago who is in charge of a man named Trevor Hale. Hale thinks he is Cupid and that Zeus sent him from Mt. Olympus to connect 100 couples without his powers because he was too proud. The show ran for one season and was first shown on ABC on Saturday nights at 10 p.m. EST.
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Cupid is an American comedy-drama show that ran from 1998 to1999. It was made by Rob Thomas, and Paula Marshall played Dr. Claire Allen, a psychologist in Chicago who is in charge of a man named Trevor Hale. Hale thinks he is Cupid and that Zeus sent him from Mt. Olympus to connect 100 couples without his powers because he was too proud. The show ran for one season and was first shown on ABC on Saturday nights at 10 p.m. EST.