Fight Quest is a Discovery Channel television show that debuted with a preview episode on December 28, 2007, and began broadcasting weekly on January 4, 2008. The show followed Jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson as they traveled around the world learning different kinds of martial arts, spending five days training with prominent masters of the genres they were studying before displaying what they had learned in a final exhibitionand/or combat. The show was canceled after the first season, according to the hosts' remarks. The final three episodes not featured in the original release were included in an upgraded DVD box set published at the end of February. The series was terminated at the start of the second season, and only three episodes broadcast, the last of which finished on October3, 2008.
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Fight Quest is a Discovery Channel television show that debuted with a preview episode on December 28, 2007, and began broadcasting weekly on January 4, 2008. The show followed Jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson as they traveled around the world learning different kinds of martial arts, spending five days training with prominent masters of the genres they were studying before displaying what they had learned in a final exhibitionand/or combat. The show was canceled after the first season, according to the hosts' remarks. The final three episodes not featured in the original release were included in an upgraded DVD box set published at the end of February. The series was terminated at the start of the second season, and only three episodes broadcast, the last of which finished on October3, 2008.