Freddy's Nightmares is an American horror anthology series that ran from October 1988 to March 1990 in syndication. Freddy Krueger presented each story in this spin-off. This is like Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Tales from the Crypt, or The Twilight Zone. Tobe Hooper's pilot episode begins with Freddy Krueger's acquittal of child-murder charges due to his officer's failure to read him the Miranda warning. Freddy gets burnt by a police officer after being cornered by parents in a power plant, dying and gaining his distinctive face. New Line Television, the film series' producers, produced the series. Lorimar-Telepictures was the original distributor. Warner Bros. Television would acquire Lorimar-Telepictures' syndication rights.
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Freddy's Nightmares is an American horror anthology series that ran from October 1988 to March 1990 in syndication. Freddy Krueger presented each story in this spin-off. This is like Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Tales from the Crypt, or The Twilight Zone. Tobe Hooper's pilot episode begins with Freddy Krueger's acquittal of child-murder charges due to his officer's failure to read him the Miranda warning. Freddy gets burnt by a police officer after being cornered by parents in a power plant, dying and gaining his distinctive face. New Line Television, the film series' producers, produced the series. Lorimar-Telepictures was the original distributor. Warner Bros. Television would acquire Lorimar-Telepictures' syndication rights.