Huge is a short-lived American drama show that aired on the ABC Family television network. The series is based on Sasha Paley's book of the same name for young adults. The hour-long drama series is about eight teens who are sent to a summer weight loss camp called Camp Victory. Both Winnie Holzman and her daughter Savannah Dooley wrote the pilot. Casting began in January, and filming began in April 2010. On June28,2010, at 9 p.m., 2.53 million people watched the first episode of the new show. On October4,2010, ABC Family said that the show Huge would not be getting any more episodes, so the show was cancelled.
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Huge is a short-lived American drama show that aired on the ABC Family television network. The series is based on Sasha Paley's book of the same name for young adults. The hour-long drama series is about eight teens who are sent to a summer weight loss camp called Camp Victory. Both Winnie Holzman and her daughter Savannah Dooley wrote the pilot. Casting began in January, and filming began in April 2010. On June28,2010, at 9 p.m., 2.53 million people watched the first episode of the new show. On October4,2010, ABC Family said that the show Huge would not be getting any more episodes, so the show was cancelled.