Jay Leno, the former host of "The Tonight Show," began a YouTube series in2006, which aired on CNBC in2015, reviewing historic automobiles, super cars such as the McLaren P1, restored cars, vintage cars, and sports cars. Jay Leno's Big Dog Garage is located near Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California. In2011, the program received the "Outstanding Special Class — Short-Form Nonfiction Program" Primetime Emmy Award. NBC Entertainment's digital branch is responsible for distribution.
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Jay Leno, the former host of "The Tonight Show," began a YouTube series in2006, which aired on CNBC in2015, reviewing historic automobiles, super cars such as the McLaren P1, restored cars, vintage cars, and sports cars. Jay Leno's Big Dog Garage is located near Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California. In2011, the program received the "Outstanding Special Class — Short-Form Nonfiction Program" Primetime Emmy Award. NBC Entertainment's digital branch is responsible for distribution.