Kim Possible is an American animated action-adventure comedy television series about a teenage crime fighter who is tasked with the responsibility of dealing with challenges on a daily basis that involve the world at large, her family, and her school. The show is mostly focused on action, but it also has a humorous tone to it and frequently makes fun of the tropes and cliches that are common in the action and secret agent genres. It was the first series to be produced by Walt Disney Television Animation in partnership with Disney Channel, and it was the second animated Disney Channel Original Series overall. Before Phineas and Ferb took over as the network's longest-running original animated series, Kim Possible held the record for longest-running original Disney Channel animated series.
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Kim Possible is an American animated action-adventure comedy television series about a teenage crime fighter who is tasked with the responsibility of dealing with challenges on a daily basis that involve the world at large, her family, and her school. The show is mostly focused on action, but it also has a humorous tone to it and frequently makes fun of the tropes and cliches that are common in the action and secret agent genres. It was the first series to be produced by Walt Disney Television Animation in partnership with Disney Channel, and it was the second animated Disney Channel Original Series overall. Before Phineas and Ferb took over as the network's longest-running original animated series, Kim Possible held the record for longest-running original Disney Channel animated series.