Land of the Giants is a two-season American science fiction television series that premiered on September 22, 1968, and ended on March 22, 1970. Irwin Allen conceived and produced the show. Allen's science fiction television series Land of the Giants was his fourth. The show was produced by 20th Century Fox Television and aired on ABC. The series lasted 51 episodes and was entirely shot in color. Gary Conway and Don Marshall starred in the show. Murray Leinster also authored three novels based on the television series in 1968 and 1969.
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Land of the Giants is a two-season American science fiction television series that premiered on September 22, 1968, and ended on March 22, 1970. Irwin Allen conceived and produced the show. Allen's science fiction television series Land of the Giants was his fourth. The show was produced by 20th Century Fox Television and aired on ABC. The series lasted 51 episodes and was entirely shot in color. Gary Conway and Don Marshall starred in the show. Murray Leinster also authored three novels based on the television series in 1968 and 1969.