Takeshi Nanase is a regular high school student with a troubled past. One day, he comes upon a girl named Mui Aiba slumped on the school grounds, dressed in a uniform he has never seen before. This encounter completely alters his fate. She informs Takeshi that she is a magician and apologizes for transforming Takeshi into one as well. What Takeshi thought was one universe was actually two: the world of magicians and the world of humanity.
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Takeshi Nanase is a regular high school student with a troubled past. One day, he comes upon a girl named Mui Aiba slumped on the school grounds, dressed in a uniform he has never seen before. This encounter completely alters his fate. She informs Takeshi that she is a magician and apologizes for transforming Takeshi into one as well. What Takeshi thought was one universe was actually two: the world of magicians and the world of humanity.