Relic Hunter is a Canadian television show that airs in English. It revolves around Sydney Fox, a professor who travels the world hunting for ancient treasures to return to museumsand/or descendants of the original owner. Her language assistant Nigel and her somewhat airhead secretary Claudia assist her. She frequently finds herself battling competing hunters looking for relics for profit. The series combines fantasy and science fiction aspects, with many of the relics shown having true supernatural powers or being pieces of highly advanced technology.
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Relic Hunter is a Canadian television show that airs in English. It revolves around Sydney Fox, a professor who travels the world hunting for ancient treasures to return to museumsand/or descendants of the original owner. Her language assistant Nigel and her somewhat airhead secretary Claudia assist her. She frequently finds herself battling competing hunters looking for relics for profit. The series combines fantasy and science fiction aspects, with many of the relics shown having true supernatural powers or being pieces of highly advanced technology.