Shipwrecked is a British reality TV show that airs on T4, Channel 4's youth programming brand. The first version ran for three seasons from January9,2000, to December19,2001. It wasn't a competition and there wasn't a prize. Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands, a new version of the show, ran for four seasons from January8,2006, to May10, 2009. It was a competition between two teams to get new members. The biggest team won a cash prize at the end. The show, now called Shipwrecked: The Island, came back on E4 on October23, 2011. In2013, NTV will show a Russian version of the show.
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Shipwrecked is a British reality TV show that airs on T4, Channel 4's youth programming brand. The first version ran for three seasons from January9,2000, to December19,2001. It wasn't a competition and there wasn't a prize. Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands, a new version of the show, ran for four seasons from January8,2006, to May10, 2009. It was a competition between two teams to get new members. The biggest team won a cash prize at the end. The show, now called Shipwrecked: The Island, came back on E4 on October23, 2011. In2013, NTV will show a Russian version of the show.