This comedy/adventure series gives the quick blue hedgehog a fresh look as he battles a familiar foe alongside Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks. Dr. Eggman is hell-bent on conquering the world, and the group attempts to thwart his nefarious schemes. Sonic engages in regular encounters with Eggman's minions, who include the faithful robots Orbot and Cubot, as well as villainous interns and enormous robot monsters.
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This comedy/adventure series gives the quick blue hedgehog a fresh look as he battles a familiar foe alongside Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks. Dr. Eggman is hell-bent on conquering the world, and the group attempts to thwart his nefarious schemes. Sonic engages in regular encounters with Eggman's minions, who include the faithful robots Orbot and Cubot, as well as villainous interns and enormous robot monsters.