Anime series Space Battleship Yamato depicts a spacecraft named after the character. Star Blazers, an English-dubbed and extensively censored version of the series, was broadcast on North American and Australian television in the 1980s. For the first two years of its run in Greece, the series was aired under the moniker "A." Star Blazers was also telecast in Italy under the name Star Blazers, and in Brazil under the name Patrulha Estelar and Viaje a la Ultima Galaxia or Astronave Intrepido in Spain and Latin America. One of Hideaki Anno's favorite shows, Yamato sparked his interest in animation, and he ranked it as his favorite anime. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind(1985) was the first anime film to receive the Seiun Award, which was initially given to a film rather than a series.
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Anime series Space Battleship Yamato depicts a spacecraft named after the character. Star Blazers, an English-dubbed and extensively censored version of the series, was broadcast on North American and Australian television in the 1980s. For the first two years of its run in Greece, the series was aired under the moniker "A." Star Blazers was also telecast in Italy under the name Star Blazers, and in Brazil under the name Patrulha Estelar and Viaje a la Ultima Galaxia or Astronave Intrepido in Spain and Latin America. One of Hideaki Anno's favorite shows, Yamato sparked his interest in animation, and he ranked it as his favorite anime. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind(1985) was the first anime film to receive the Seiun Award, which was initially given to a film rather than a series.