The year 1985 serves as the backdrop for the final confrontation of the Cold War, when Sandy and her colleague Jeanne Vertefeuille resolved to uncover Aldrich Ames, the most known traitor in the history of the United States. Sandy is racing against the clock to save the Soviet spy men from capture and death. This gorgeous wife and mother, who led a double life at home, swore to stop at nothing until she discovered the truth.
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The year 1985 serves as the backdrop for the final confrontation of the Cold War, when Sandy and her colleague Jeanne Vertefeuille resolved to uncover Aldrich Ames, the most known traitor in the history of the United States. Sandy is racing against the clock to save the Soviet spy men from capture and death. This gorgeous wife and mother, who led a double life at home, swore to stop at nothing until she discovered the truth.