The critically renowned Batman: The Animated Series will live on in The New Batman Adventures, which is a continuation of that show. The narratives in this series have a tendency to place a greater emphasis on Batman's supporting cast, which includes fellow crimefighters like as Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl, amongst others. A number of notable guest stars, including Supergirl, Etrigan, and The Creeper, make appearances on the show as well. These are all characters who would subsequently appear alongside Batman in episodes of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.
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The critically renowned Batman: The Animated Series will live on in The New Batman Adventures, which is a continuation of that show. The narratives in this series have a tendency to place a greater emphasis on Batman's supporting cast, which includes fellow crimefighters like as Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl, amongst others. A number of notable guest stars, including Supergirl, Etrigan, and The Creeper, make appearances on the show as well. These are all characters who would subsequently appear alongside Batman in episodes of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.