As of April2,2013, the show The New Normal was no longer airing in the United States. In addition to the show's creators, Ryan Murphy and Ali Adler were the primary writers. The plot revolves around Bryan and David, a well-to-do gay couple living in Los Angeles. Goldie Clemmons, a surrogate mother, and her nine-year-old daughter Shania move into their home after they decide to conceive a baby.
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As of April2,2013, the show The New Normal was no longer airing in the United States. In addition to the show's creators, Ryan Murphy and Ali Adler were the primary writers. The plot revolves around Bryan and David, a well-to-do gay couple living in Los Angeles. Goldie Clemmons, a surrogate mother, and her nine-year-old daughter Shania move into their home after they decide to conceive a baby.