The series delves into the lives of Ampika Pickston, Dawn Ward, Lauren Simon, Leanne Brown, Magali Gorré, and Tanya Bardsley, who are all addicted to champagne. We'll get to know these remarkable folks and their intertwined lives as the series progresses. Life goes quickly in the extreme world of Cheshire's rich and famous citizens, and each day has its own dramas, ensuring that each episode is action-packed and exciting. All set against the stunning backdrop of these women's luxurious homes and exclusive locales. Because of the Housewives' money and connections, you will have exclusive access to the elite gatherings and amazing social occasions that mark the Housewives' exceptional life.
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The series delves into the lives of Ampika Pickston, Dawn Ward, Lauren Simon, Leanne Brown, Magali Gorré, and Tanya Bardsley, who are all addicted to champagne. We'll get to know these remarkable folks and their intertwined lives as the series progresses. Life goes quickly in the extreme world of Cheshire's rich and famous citizens, and each day has its own dramas, ensuring that each episode is action-packed and exciting. All set against the stunning backdrop of these women's luxurious homes and exclusive locales. Because of the Housewives' money and connections, you will have exclusive access to the elite gatherings and amazing social occasions that mark the Housewives' exceptional life.