Based on the Marvel Comics superhero character, Greg Weisman and Victor Cook created the animated television series The Spectacular Spider-Man. Based on the original Stan Lee and Steve Ditko stories, the series has a similar mix of action, drama and comedy as well as being set at a high school. But it also uses material from all of the comics' eras as well as other sources, such as the film series and Ultimate Spider-Man comics, as well as its own content. On March8,2008, The Spectacular Spider-Man launched during The CW's Kids' WB programming block and was hailed as one of the year's best shows. On November18,2009, the second season of the series was premiered on Marvel's sibling network Disney XD in the United States and received excellent reviews. An anticipated third season of the show was canceled before it could even begin filming.
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Based on the Marvel Comics superhero character, Greg Weisman and Victor Cook created the animated television series The Spectacular Spider-Man. Based on the original Stan Lee and Steve Ditko stories, the series has a similar mix of action, drama and comedy as well as being set at a high school. But it also uses material from all of the comics' eras as well as other sources, such as the film series and Ultimate Spider-Man comics, as well as its own content. On March8,2008, The Spectacular Spider-Man launched during The CW's Kids' WB programming block and was hailed as one of the year's best shows. On November18,2009, the second season of the series was premiered on Marvel's sibling network Disney XD in the United States and received excellent reviews. An anticipated third season of the show was canceled before it could even begin filming.