Marvel Knights Animation's "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers," inspired by the popular comic novel by Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic, provides a stunning glimpse into the minds of Thor and Loki, brothers in the fabled kingdom of Asgard and seemingly eternal foes. But why does Loki despise his brother Thor so much? And is it possible that this master of mischief isn't the villain he's been labeled as? In this powerful epic, Loki's ravenous desire for power and feud with Thor take on new significance.
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Marvel Knights Animation's "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers," inspired by the popular comic novel by Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic, provides a stunning glimpse into the minds of Thor and Loki, brothers in the fabled kingdom of Asgard and seemingly eternal foes. But why does Loki despise his brother Thor so much? And is it possible that this master of mischief isn't the villain he's been labeled as? In this powerful epic, Loki's ravenous desire for power and feud with Thor take on new significance.