Watch AnneFrank. Parallel Stories 2019 full HD on RapidFlix Free

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AnneFrank. Parallel Stories

AnneFrank. Parallel Stories

One Anne Frank moves us more than the countless others who suffered beside her but whose faces have stayed hidden-Primo Levi. Helen Mirren, the Oscar® winner, will tell Anne Frank's narrative through the words in her diary. The set will be her room in the secret hideaway in Amsterdam, meticulously rebuilt by set designers from Milan's Piccolo Theatre. This year would have been Anne Frank's 90th birthday. Anne's narrative is interlaced with the stories of five Holocaust survivors: Arianna Szörenyi, Sarah Lichtsztejn-Montard, Helga Weiss, and sisters Andra and Tatiana Bucci. Their statements are interspersed with those of their children and grandkids.
92 m
