Set in the heart of Los Angeles' criminal underworld, Arc follows Paris Pritchert, a former cop turned drug dealer and addict, on a journey to find a lost child. The only hitch is that, like all addicts, Paris' faith in his abilities is based on his ability to stay high and alive long enough to finish his task. Paris enlists the aid of Maya Gibbs, an African American prostitute fluent in both street slang and Maya Angelou and Nadine Gordimer's poetry. A doctor who loves to recruit "Street Boys", a self-proclaimed King Of Porn, a drug dealer who can make perfect appetizers, and a tough detective who has more frauds than a street hustler.
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Set in the heart of Los Angeles' criminal underworld, Arc follows Paris Pritchert, a former cop turned drug dealer and addict, on a journey to find a lost child. The only hitch is that, like all addicts, Paris' faith in his abilities is based on his ability to stay high and alive long enough to finish his task. Paris enlists the aid of Maya Gibbs, an African American prostitute fluent in both street slang and Maya Angelou and Nadine Gordimer's poetry. A doctor who loves to recruit "Street Boys", a self-proclaimed King Of Porn, a drug dealer who can make perfect appetizers, and a tough detective who has more frauds than a street hustler.