Jamie Graham, a young aristocratic Englishman, is residing in Shanghai at the time of the Japanese invasion, which results in the internment of all non-Japanese citizens. Jamie is taken prisoner with an American sailor by the name of Basie, who watches out for Jamie when the two of them are incarcerated together. Jamie retains his honor and youthful spirit despite being removed from his parents and placed in an unfriendly environment. As a result, he serves as a source of inspiration for the other people who are being held captive with him.
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Jamie Graham, a young aristocratic Englishman, is residing in Shanghai at the time of the Japanese invasion, which results in the internment of all non-Japanese citizens. Jamie is taken prisoner with an American sailor by the name of Basie, who watches out for Jamie when the two of them are incarcerated together. Jamie retains his honor and youthful spirit despite being removed from his parents and placed in an unfriendly environment. As a result, he serves as a source of inspiration for the other people who are being held captive with him.