"Devil High School of Raven" Devil High School is a fictional high school in Raven's world. Part-time and full-time employees were employed, with Yoshiki Murayama (Yuki Yamada) serving as the demon high school's de facto principal. Despite the fact that she had recently transferred to the full-time system of Onitaka Taka, Kaede Hanaoka (Ima Kawamura) had ambitions to take on the full-time world and challenge Tyman to Murayama one day.
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"Devil High School of Raven" Devil High School is a fictional high school in Raven's world. Part-time and full-time employees were employed, with Yoshiki Murayama (Yuki Yamada) serving as the demon high school's de facto principal. Despite the fact that she had recently transferred to the full-time system of Onitaka Taka, Kaede Hanaoka (Ima Kawamura) had ambitions to take on the full-time world and challenge Tyman to Murayama one day.