From the creators of "Racing Ace," another action-packed adventure for the entire family. Grizzly Mountain Ranch is on the verge of being destroyed! The bank is attempting to seize the property, and the Stanger family is bound and determined to protect the property that has been in the family for generations. Meanwhile, notorious horse thieves Luke and Carl Dawson have their sights set on stealing a valuable newborn colt...but a simple crime quickly becomes a comedy of errors for these two bandits when they come up against eight-year-old twins BJ and Belle, their teenage babysitter Sam, and a giant grizzly bear named Thor.
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From the creators of "Racing Ace," another action-packed adventure for the entire family. Grizzly Mountain Ranch is on the verge of being destroyed! The bank is attempting to seize the property, and the Stanger family is bound and determined to protect the property that has been in the family for generations. Meanwhile, notorious horse thieves Luke and Carl Dawson have their sights set on stealing a valuable newborn colt...but a simple crime quickly becomes a comedy of errors for these two bandits when they come up against eight-year-old twins BJ and Belle, their teenage babysitter Sam, and a giant grizzly bear named Thor.