The film is an adaptation of a well-known erotic novel from Thailand, and it follows the story of a young boy named Jan who lives in a house that is ruled by his hedonistic and hedonistic father, Luang Wisnan. The novel takes place in the 1930s and tells the difficult childhood of Jan, whose mother passes away while she was giving birth to him and whose father despises him with a passion. Jan spends his childhood with his stepmother, Aunt Wad, and he has a difficult time coming to terms with the feelings of guilt and longing he has for the various women he has known throughout his life. These women include a young woman named Hyacinth, who he is deeply in love with, and later Madame Boonleung, who was his father's lover and was instrumental in Jan's coming of age sexually.
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The film is an adaptation of a well-known erotic novel from Thailand, and it follows the story of a young boy named Jan who lives in a house that is ruled by his hedonistic and hedonistic father, Luang Wisnan. The novel takes place in the 1930s and tells the difficult childhood of Jan, whose mother passes away while she was giving birth to him and whose father despises him with a passion. Jan spends his childhood with his stepmother, Aunt Wad, and he has a difficult time coming to terms with the feelings of guilt and longing he has for the various women he has known throughout his life. These women include a young woman named Hyacinth, who he is deeply in love with, and later Madame Boonleung, who was his father's lover and was instrumental in Jan's coming of age sexually.