Following the adventures of young orphan child JIM BUTTON, his closest friend LUKE, and their magical steam engine EMMA as they journey across the world in search of the truth about where Jim came from, this epic fantasy adventure is based on Michael Ende's bestselling novel The Neverending Story. They must go through the Forest of a Thousand Wonders, past the End of the World, and through the Forest of a Thousand Wonders again in order to locate the secret Dragon City.
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Following the adventures of young orphan child JIM BUTTON, his closest friend LUKE, and their magical steam engine EMMA as they journey across the world in search of the truth about where Jim came from, this epic fantasy adventure is based on Michael Ende's bestselling novel The Neverending Story. They must go through the Forest of a Thousand Wonders, past the End of the World, and through the Forest of a Thousand Wonders again in order to locate the secret Dragon City.