A light-hearted romp. The plot revolves around a young scientist in the modern world who was originally from the world of the dwarves thanks to a mystical elixir possessed by the Big Eater, the dwarven emperor. In Shuflandia, a kingdom of dwarves in a library's cellar, only the most obedient can reach king size and enter the greater world. After visiting Shuflandia, no one wants to return. In Shuflandia, there are no females.
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A light-hearted romp. The plot revolves around a young scientist in the modern world who was originally from the world of the dwarves thanks to a mystical elixir possessed by the Big Eater, the dwarven emperor. In Shuflandia, a kingdom of dwarves in a library's cellar, only the most obedient can reach king size and enter the greater world. After visiting Shuflandia, no one wants to return. In Shuflandia, there are no females.