Set in New York City, the film follows Lily, a naive fashion school graduate whose world is turned upside down when her reckless best friend Kat announces she's moving to London in a matter of days. The next night, at a Lower East Side art opening, they meet the enigmatic rising artist Henri, who Lily quickly falls in love with. With less than seven days left and a new attraction between them, Lily and Kat's "unbreakable" friendship will be put to the test.
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Set in New York City, the film follows Lily, a naive fashion school graduate whose world is turned upside down when her reckless best friend Kat announces she's moving to London in a matter of days. The next night, at a Lower East Side art opening, they meet the enigmatic rising artist Henri, who Lily quickly falls in love with. With less than seven days left and a new attraction between them, Lily and Kat's "unbreakable" friendship will be put to the test.