Based on Hans Christian Andersen's original fairytale, Little Mermaid follows a young mermaid (Rosie Mac) as she leaves the sea for a human (Michael Murray) whom she has been watching from afar. When she discovers that not everything is as it appears, she is forced to navigate on her own. She strikes a fresh arrangement with the sea witch to remain in her new reality after landing a job dancing at a club and residing with a loving stranger.
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Based on Hans Christian Andersen's original fairytale, Little Mermaid follows a young mermaid (Rosie Mac) as she leaves the sea for a human (Michael Murray) whom she has been watching from afar. When she discovers that not everything is as it appears, she is forced to navigate on her own. She strikes a fresh arrangement with the sea witch to remain in her new reality after landing a job dancing at a club and residing with a loving stranger.