Number One is a heartwarming musical family comedy about Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager who has been laid off by his company. Chee Beng reluctantly accepts a job as a manager at 'Number One,' a popular drag club, after several failed interviews. Chee Beng is soon persuaded to dress up and join the drag queens on stage. Chee Beng, to everyone's surprise, is a natural drag queen, and his performance astounds the audience!
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Number One is a heartwarming musical family comedy about Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager who has been laid off by his company. Chee Beng reluctantly accepts a job as a manager at 'Number One,' a popular drag club, after several failed interviews. Chee Beng is soon persuaded to dress up and join the drag queens on stage. Chee Beng, to everyone's surprise, is a natural drag queen, and his performance astounds the audience!