Satoshi, Haruka, Takeshi, and Masato stumble into the Wishing Star of Seven Nights celebration. Jirachi, a legendary Pokemon, descends from the sky and befriends Masato during their delight. Many people seek Jirachi, who has the ability to grant any wish. Unaware of the dangers lurking inside Jirachi's abilities, one man wants to exploit its legendary power to resurrect the ancient pokemon Groudon.
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Satoshi, Haruka, Takeshi, and Masato stumble into the Wishing Star of Seven Nights celebration. Jirachi, a legendary Pokemon, descends from the sky and befriends Masato during their delight. Many people seek Jirachi, who has the ability to grant any wish. Unaware of the dangers lurking inside Jirachi's abilities, one man wants to exploit its legendary power to resurrect the ancient pokemon Groudon.