Ratchet and Clank follows two unlikely heroes as they attempt to stop a malevolent extraterrestrial named Chairman Drek from destroying every planet in the Solana Galaxy. When the two discover a terrifying weapon capable of killing entire planets, they must join forces with a team of colorful heroes known as The Galactic Rangers to rescue the galaxy. They will learn about heroism, friendship, and the necessity of defining one's own identity along the road.
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Ratchet and Clank follows two unlikely heroes as they attempt to stop a malevolent extraterrestrial named Chairman Drek from destroying every planet in the Solana Galaxy. When the two discover a terrifying weapon capable of killing entire planets, they must join forces with a team of colorful heroes known as The Galactic Rangers to rescue the galaxy. They will learn about heroism, friendship, and the necessity of defining one's own identity along the road.