This time, Batman and the Scooby-Doo crew join forces to stop a conglomeration of villains from both realms from unleashing devastation on the city. Characters like Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and the Riddler join traditional DC villains like the Joker and the Riddler. In addition, the Ghost Clown, Space Kook, and Miner 49er are among the legendary Scooby-Doo villains.
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This time, Batman and the Scooby-Doo crew join forces to stop a conglomeration of villains from both realms from unleashing devastation on the city. Characters like Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and the Riddler join traditional DC villains like the Joker and the Riddler. In addition, the Ghost Clown, Space Kook, and Miner 49er are among the legendary Scooby-Doo villains.