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Oscar Grubman is surrounded by stunning, refined women. He is empathetic and kind, speaks fluent French, is a Voltaire fanatic, and believes that a woman's hands reveal the most information about her. Oscar tells his best pal on the train home from Chauncey Academy for the Thanksgiving weekend that he has big plans for the weekend: he'll win his true love's heart. But there's a catch: Oscar's true love is Eve, his stepmother. Oscar believes he would be a better partner for Eve than his workaholic father. He is depressed as a result of his failure to earn Eve's love. Oscar's path to real love is further obstructed by Diane, Eve's best friend, who offers him brief consolation in an unorthodox tryst one night while wearing Eve's borrowed perfumed scarf. Oscar is Diane's life's missing piece. Oscar's relentless pursuit of Eve leads to an unexpected conclusion, therefore Diane is a bit of a distraction for him.
