This gripping action thriller unfolds in real time as two beleaguered souls fight for survival. Gary Oldman stars as a ruthless mafia leader on a mission to assassinate Nick, the lone witness who would testify against him. He hires a mystery female motorbike courier to deliver a poison-gas explosive intended for Nick's killing, but after she saves him, the couple must face an army of merciless hired killers in order to survive the night.
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This gripping action thriller unfolds in real time as two beleaguered souls fight for survival. Gary Oldman stars as a ruthless mafia leader on a mission to assassinate Nick, the lone witness who would testify against him. He hires a mystery female motorbike courier to deliver a poison-gas explosive intended for Nick's killing, but after she saves him, the couple must face an army of merciless hired killers in order to survive the night.