At the turn of the nineteenth century, Seibei Iguchi lives a terrible existence as a low-ranking samurai. Seibei, a widower with a modest income, strives to care for his two daughters and his elderly mother. As the Japanese feudal order crumbles, Seibei is still bound by the code of honor of the samurai and by his own sense of social precedence. However, the return of Tomoe, a boyhood friend, seems to offer up new opportunities for him and his daughters. How can he best serve those he cares about?
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At the turn of the nineteenth century, Seibei Iguchi lives a terrible existence as a low-ranking samurai. Seibei, a widower with a modest income, strives to care for his two daughters and his elderly mother. As the Japanese feudal order crumbles, Seibei is still bound by the code of honor of the samurai and by his own sense of social precedence. However, the return of Tomoe, a boyhood friend, seems to offer up new opportunities for him and his daughters. How can he best serve those he cares about?