The story is loosely based on the Tomie manga chapter "The Gathering." When a troubled young man begins working at a factory, he attracts the attention of a mystery woman who lurks behind the scenes, sparking a romantic relationship between them. Despite the fact that he is a rather distinctive young man, and may perhaps be a genetic anomaly, he has no particular interest to Tomie. This, of course, piques Tomie's interest, and she soon finds herself becoming fascinated with him. Soon after, he becomes embroiled in a brutal battle between two competing Tomies. And neither Tomie nor anyone else will perish.
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The story is loosely based on the Tomie manga chapter "The Gathering." When a troubled young man begins working at a factory, he attracts the attention of a mystery woman who lurks behind the scenes, sparking a romantic relationship between them. Despite the fact that he is a rather distinctive young man, and may perhaps be a genetic anomaly, he has no particular interest to Tomie. This, of course, piques Tomie's interest, and she soon finds herself becoming fascinated with him. Soon after, he becomes embroiled in a brutal battle between two competing Tomies. And neither Tomie nor anyone else will perish.