In the United Kingdom, Yorkshire Television's hit game show 3–2–1 aired on ITV. Former Butlins Redcoat Ted Rogers hosted the show from July29, 1978 through December24, 1988. There were three shows in one: a quiz show, a variety show, and an interactive game show, all based on a Spanish game show called Un, dos, tres... respuesta otra vez. One of the most popular television shows of all time. However, the first season, which was meant to be a filler for the summer, drew up to 16.5 million people and never dropped below 12 million viewers thereafter. For the most of its life, the show aired in the early evening on Saturdays. So why didn't an eleventh series get commissioned in 1989 after the final Christmas special got 12.5 million viewers remains a mystery. When Ted Rogers was interviewed back in1996, he claimed that "The Oxbridge aristocracy seized control of television, and they didn't want it. They rejected it as being "too downmarket." At the end of ten years, we were still averaging 12 million people watching. Nowadays, if a show receives nine million viewers, everyone takes a bow "Nonetheless,.
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