A Country Practice was an Australian television drama series that aired for two seasons. With a pilot episode written by JNP Productions' James Davern and submitted to the network's writing contest in 1979, he came in third place and won a merit award. It aired on the Seven Network from November 18, 1981, to November 22, 1993, with 1,058 episodes. ATN-7's production plant in Epping, Sydney, was responsible for its creation. For 30 episodes from April to November 1994 on network ten, the show was revived after its lengthy run on the seven network, however the ten series was not as popular as its predecessor. As well as at Pitt Town, Channel Seven and Channel Ten taped their shows in Emerald, Victoria as well.
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A Country Practice was an Australian television drama series that aired for two seasons. With a pilot episode written by JNP Productions' James Davern and submitted to the network's writing contest in 1979, he came in third place and won a merit award. It aired on the Seven Network from November 18, 1981, to November 22, 1993, with 1,058 episodes. ATN-7's production plant in Epping, Sydney, was responsible for its creation. For 30 episodes from April to November 1994 on network ten, the show was revived after its lengthy run on the seven network, however the ten series was not as popular as its predecessor. As well as at Pitt Town, Channel Seven and Channel Ten taped their shows in Emerald, Victoria as well.